
塑料剛性網管在陰極電泳陽極池的外側 起重要的支撐作用。 它們不僅提供了必要的機械強度,以確保陽極電池在使用過程中不容易變形或破裂,而且還有效地保護了內部電泳塗層並延長了設備的使用壽命。 此外,其輕巧的特性使整體結構更易於安裝和維護。 同時,塑料材料具有良好的耐腐蝕性,使其能夠承受電泳過程中產生的化學物質,從而確保陽極管在各種工作條件下的穩定性和可靠性。

Plastic rigid mesh tubes installed on cathodic electrophoresis anode cells
  • 重量輕
  • 耐高溫
  • 防銹和抗紫外線
  • 耐酸鹼腐蝕
  • 優異的機械性能
  • 堅固耐用,支持回收
  • 安全無毒,適合食品接觸
錶1: 陰極電泳陽極槽用塑料剛性網管規格
型號 材料 I.D. (Mm) O.D. (Mm) 開孔尺寸 (mm) 開放區域 厚度 (mm)
BD-P3008 PP 31.5 37.0 4.0 × 5.5 0.38 2.8
BD-P3012 PP 32.5 40.0 2.0 × 2.5 0.42 3.0
BD-P3025 PP 28.5 38.0 5.5 × 5.0 0.35 4.8
BD-P3030 PP 32.5 36.5 4.0 × 3.0 0.34 2.0
BD-P4001 PP 46.5 51.0 4.5 × 3.0 0.33 2.3
BD-P5006 PP 55.5 59.0 6.0 × 3.5 0.45 1.8
BD-P5019 PP 62.5 68.5 8.0 × 11.0 0.63 3.0
BD-P5026 PP 66.0 71.0 7.8 × 9.5 0.45 2.5
BD-P5036 PP 58.0 67.5 6.0 × 7.0 0.35 4.8
BD-P5043 PP 57.5 64.0 5.5 × 8.0 0.41 3.3
BD-P6505 PP 70.0 76.5 6.0 × 10.0 0.45 3.3
BD-P6509 PP 70.0 76.0 4.5 × 4.0 0.40 3.0
BD-P6526 PP 81.0 91.0 4.0 × 9.0 0.43 5.0
BD-P8007 PP 86.2 91.3 8.0 × 10.0 0.56 2.6
BD-P8016 PP 108.0 112.5 11.0 × 14.5 0.73 2.3
BD-P8028 PP 83.0 90.0 6.0 × 9.0 0.45 3.5
BD-P8035 PP 98.0 102.5 3.5 × 2.0 0.29 2.3
BD-P8038 PP 80.0 87.0 8.0 × 9.0 0.50 3.5
BD-P8043 PP 91.5 97.5 9.5 × 10.5 0.62 3.0
BD-P8048 PP 81.5 89.5 8.5 × 9.5 0.59 4.0
BD-P8049 PP 90.0 100.0 8.5 × 9.3 0.58 5.0
BD-P8056 PP 112.0 117.0 4.0 × 3.0 0.32 2.5
BD-P8067 PP 81.5 90.5 5.8 × 10.0 0.56 4.5
BD-P8072 PP 97.0 103.0 6.3 × 6.0 0.49 3.0
BD-P8082 PP 89.0 94.0 8.5 × 10.5 0.61 2.5
BD-P8094 PP 117.5 125.5 9.5 × 12.5 0.44 4.0
The thickness of plastic rigid mesh tubes is measured as 2.58 mm.


The hole width of the plastic rigid mesh tube  is measured as 4.33 mm.


The diameter of the plastic rigid mesh tube is measured as 51.03 mm.


The length of the plastic rigid mesh tube is measured as 76 cm.


Put the processed plastic rigid mesh tubes into a wooden case.


Pack the plastic rigid mesh tubes with a waterproof film.
