Candle Filters Provide Filtration For Various Chemical Processes

Filtration is an indispensable part of all chemical processes. From chemical raw material impurities removal and filtration to material fine filtration, proper filter elements are required to finish product filtration and purification.

The chemical raw materials generally contain acid or alkali materials, or other corrosive substances. When choosing the filter element, the property of materials to be filtered and the filtration performance of the filter elements must be taken fully into consideration.

How Boedon Solve?

Candle filter plays an important role in the chemical industry filtration due to its excellent corrosion resistance. Boedon offers 3 types of candle filters, sintered mesh candle filters, sintered felt candle filters and sintered porous candle filters. Theses candle filters have excellent corrosion resistance and their features vary due to their materials and construction. Customers can choose the right candle filters according to your filtration requirements.